Humanizing Startups, Business & Technology – Community First!

By The Startups Networking Community & Business Accelerator has always believed in the power of humanizing startups, businesses, and technology. We aspire to give everything a human character–yes, in whatever we do. In an age, where integration of business and technology has benefitted humanity at large, there are several grey areas where it has caused more harm than good. We would like to address these issues and ensure that this grand integration extends beyond mere functionality to create pleasurable interaction. Call this ‘Humanising’, ‘Human Factor’, ‘Better Design’, ”Better Interaction’, ‘User-Centeredness’, ‘User-Centricity’ or whatever you feel like; we want to make the world a better place to live and technology undoubtedly is the panacea.

Moving forward, we’re ready to host talks, training programs, boot camps, hackathons, ideathons, webinars, conferences, meets, summits, conclaves, and more with the support of sponsors and institutions that help achieve our mission.  The topics involved may cover a range of activities, including design projects, political and ethical challenges, besides cutting-edge scientific efforts. Furthermore, they function at significantly varying levels of significance and abstraction. What becomes evident is a common objective: all parties are focused on creating technology that enhances the human experience and improves interaction with everyday business activities.

If designing technology focussed on human needs entails creating systems that enhance human experience and improve interactions between technology and business, let’s give it a real go together!

BTS Humanize – Current Events

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