Tamilnadu-based PoSH @ The Settlement Table, a legal tech startup, helps create safe and happy workplaces including corporates and startups by promoting a positive work culture, free from sexual harassment for women through PoSH Act, addressing a pressing social challenge.
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தமிழ்நாட்டைச் சேர்ந்த சட்டரீதியான தொழில்நுட்ப ஸ்டார்ட்அப் PoSH @ The Settlement Table பணியிடங்களில் PoSH சட்டத்தின் மூலம் பெண்களுக்கு பாதுகாப்பான பணியிடங்களை உருவாக்க உதவுகிறது
PoSH @ The Settlement Table, தமிழ்நாட்டைச் சேர்ந்த சட்ட தொழில்நுட்ப ஸ்டார்ட்அப், கார்ப்பரேட்கள் மற்றும் ஸ்டார்ட்அப்களில் பெண்களுக்கு உரிய பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சியான பணியிடங்களை உருவாக்க உதவுகிறது. இந்த ஸ்டார்ட்அப் ஆனது PoSH சட்டத்தின் மூலம் பெண்களுக்கு எதிரான பாலியல் துன்புறுத்தல் மற்றும் பாகுபாடுகளிலிருந்து விடுபட உதவுகிறது.
Business Profile – PoSH @ The Settlement Table
✓ Name of the Company: PoSH @ The Settlement Table (Aravaazhi Tech LLP)
✓Product-based/Service-based company: Service-based
✓ Industry/Specific area of business: Legal & HR Compliances
✓ Location (City or Town/State/Country): Tiruppur, Tamilnadu, India
✓ Year of Start: 2022
✓ Name of the business founder(s)/owner(s): Shuvethram & Adv.R.Poorvaja
✓ Business description: PoSH @ The Settlement Table facilitates companies, organizations, educational institutions, industries, etc to create a safe and inclusive workplace for women, free from sexual harassment and discrimination, and ensures legal compliance concerning the workplace/institution is in place.
✓ Business Mobile: +91- 9489244442/9445696657
✓ WhatsApp No: +91-9500431813
✓ Email: aravaazhillp@gmail.com
✓ Corporation Identification No. (CIN): AAV-5972
✓ DPIIT Certified: Yes
PoSH @ The Settlement Table – Immediate Support Required |
B2B Connects/Corporates/Startups |
Schools incl. Montessori Schools & Playschools |
Auditors/Company Secretaries (CSs) |
✓ List of Services
– Orientation programs & workshops on sexual abuse for staff and faculties
– Model Policy and Code of Conduct document
– Legal compliance mandated under the Sexual Harassment Act, 2013
# Formation of ICC Committee
# Appointment and reservation of independent members
# Facilitating in filing the annual report to the government
# Training ICC Committee members
– For schools: Fun-learning & impactful sessions involving children & parents
– Organize pro bono workshops under your banner
# Target audience: Workplaces including startups & corporates
# Market segmentation: Social impact in business
# Price details: Starts from INR 25,000 (yearly subscription charges)
✓ Company size: 6 employees (full-time)
✓ Working Days/Hours: Mon -Fri (10 AM – 6 PM)
✓ Address: Aravaazhi Tech LLP, 54, Cloth bazzar, Dharapuram -638656, Tirupur District, Tamilnadu.
✓ We’re looking for the following support: B2B Connects/Schools incl. Montessori Schools & playschools /Auditors/Company secretaries (CSs)
✓We’re looking for the following support on a continuous basis: Business Management, Business Process/Project Management/Digital Marketing
✓ Association with any business community forums, associations & organizations: Startup Payanam, WEDO, By The Startups
✓ Association with any business incubator: AIC Raise, Coimbatore
✓Association with any co-working space/shared workspaces: Krisan Infinite Spaces, Coimbatore
✓ Social media links: Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram
Business Story – PoSH @ The Settlement Table
POSH Act 2013 – Protect Women from Sexual Harassment
If the above stats generated from different reliable sources are no indicator of the many ordeals that women go through in terms of sexual harassment both at the workplace and outside, sample this, according to a survey conducted by Stratefix Consulting, along with the National Human Resource Development (NHRD): Only 8% employees are aware of the PoSH Act. Furthermore, 11 percent of the respondents would exit the organization rather than decide to report sexual harassment in the workplace. Maybe you want to know what the ‘PoSH’ Act is all about. In 2013, the Indian parliament passed a groundbreaking law, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) or ‘PoSH’ Act that imposes a legal obligation on employers to address the issue of sexual harassment against women in the workplace. The main objective of the act is to create a safe and conducive work environment that prohibits and prevents sexual harassment faced by women.
PoSH Act’s three major elements: Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal mandate that employers constitute an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) in every workplace with 10 or more employees to promptly receive and address sexual harassment complaints against women.
The inspiration behind starting the organization
Coimbatore-based legal-tech startup PoSH @ The Settlement Table, founded by Shuvethram, a techie and Adv.R.Poorvaja, is motivated by a passionate commitment to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace, free from sexual harassment and discrimination, thereby ensuring all legal compliances in relation to the same are in place. “We facilitate companies, organizations, educational institutions, industries, etc. to become aware of their rights under the POSH Act. We are helping women by encouraging them to come forward and report sexual harassment by any colleague or senior in the workplace, and ensure a safe and professional working environment,” says Shuvethram.
Check the entire range of services of PoSH @ The Settlement Table
He says, “During my college days, a few friends of mine faced sexual harassment that was not addressed appropriately. Though there were many genuine complaints registered, the victims were only blamed and shamed. And let’s not forget that there was a set of laws in force, but the enforcement of these laws has been mostly poor, and therefore the attitude of the society remains unchanged and is lackadaisical in approach. He adds, “To cull out the practice and ensure proper legal compliances, the safety of women, children and transgender, people with disabilities, elderly, religious minorities and scheduled castes and tribes, migrants and refugees at workplaces and institutions, we incorporated our startup in 2022.”
The problem that the startup solves is not just about enforcement of legal compliance, and actual safety of all genders and people from all communities, but also raising educational and training awareness on POSH law and facilitating access to legal remedies and protection for victims.
Check how PoSH @ The Settlement Table is creating a safer school for children through POCSO
Business Risks of the startup
While laudable, choosing to empower women to fight against sexual harassment at workplaces and institutions is not without risk. “Reaching out to corporates and educational institutions, and converting them into potential clients remains the single biggest challenge for the founders because of legal compliances. Also, the fund allocation by organizations for such legal compliance is not realized, and thus the advantages and impact created by the startup is minimal,” concedes Shuvethram. He continues, “There is a complete lack of awareness about this mandatory compliance, the failure to comply which would attract a penalty of INR 50,000 and cancellation of business licenses.”
‘There is a complete lack of awareness about POSH Act, the failure to comply which would attract a penalty of INR 50,000 and cancellation of business licenses.” – Shuvethram, Founder, PoSH @ The Settlement Table
Gender equality – UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG)
Interestingly, Gender Equality is one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). He explains, “Gender equality, according to the UNSDG agenda, besides being a fundamental human right, also forms the core to a prosperous, peaceful and sustainable world.” However, he also raises an alarm, “Sexual harassment and discrimination everywhere can undermine a woman’s overall quality of life and progress in society, as we are seeing firsthand. Also, we are not on track to realize UNSDG’s gender equality goal by 2030”. His question is pertinent: “As a society, how much progress or improvements have we made towards overseeing sexual harassment complaints, among other women’s rights issues? What can we do about it? And how can we ensure that we derive the appropriate value from our ‘fight against sexual harassment and discrimination’, now, whatever that means”?
Though compliance with the PoSH act is mandatory for all employers engaging women, IT Companies, Auditors, Company secretaries (CSs), Edutech companies and outsourcing firms to schools, playschools, and Montessori schools have so far fuelled the growth of this startup. “The transformation has to happen at the management level which is finally coming to terms with the mandatory nature of the compliance, though I feel that there is a need for more industry partnerships,” notes Shuvethram.
Recognition & Grants received
The startup, which is currently bootstrapped, has served many reputable companies including Town and City Developers, RND Softech, Acodeidea Technologies, et al, just to name a few. It has also received a UN Women grant of INR 1,00, 000 in 2022 amongst the top 10 startups working on women’s safety across India. It is also one of the finalists of TANSEED 4.0, a grant program by StartupTN, the startup nodal organization under the Government of Tamil Nadu. The startup, recognized by Google for Startups, Startup India and Startup TN, has been featured on several prominent local news platforms including Simplicity and The Covai Mail for raising awareness on PoSH in government schools and institutions.
The road ahead for the startup
Talking about the future plans of the startup, an optimistic Shuvethram says, “We are looking to expand our operation across different countries in the domain of gender equality and safety with the UN collaboration. We want to start ODR (Online Dispute Resolution), in addition to HR & Legal Compliance soon.”
Users search for the startup’s profile using the following Keywords:
PoSH compliance, PoSH lawyer, HR legal compliance, sexual harassment legal compliance, PoSH enabler, ICC constitution/member, Coimbatore startup business directory, Tamilnadu startups directory, Startup networking forum & community South India